Making Travel Easier

Written By Dr. Katie Nathan PT, DPT, NCS

Do you experience any stress around travel? Is travel more challenging than it used to be?

Travel can indeed be more complex and challenging nowadays due to various factors, some of which are beyond our control. However, there are several aspects that we can manage to make our travel experiences smoother and more enjoyable.

Here are my tips for traveling with more ease:

  1. Stay Active:Ā Get up and move often! If you're driving, stop every 1-2 hours to stretch your legs. On a plane, make sure to get up when the seatbelt sign is off. Motion is lotion and to prevent yourself from feeling like the tin man, motion will help grease up those joints and muscles.

  2. Stick to Your Routine:Ā I know it can be challenging, but try to maintain your daily routine for exercise, eating, sleeping, and taking medications. From my clinical experience and conversations with many clients, a routine is crucial. It lays the foundation for your day and helps prevent you from feeling worse when you get home.

  3. Bring Extra Medication:Ā Since you're in an unfamiliar area, your routine might be disrupted. It's a good idea to have extra Parkinson's medication on hand in case you need a boost or if a pill goes missing. ***I also recommend keeping extra medications in different locations, such as both your carry-on and checked bag, in case the checked bag sadly goes missing.
  4. Incorporate Exercise:Ā Build time for exercise into your travel plans. I recommend people aim for at least 15 minutes of activity daily, preferably in the morning to jumpstart your day and medication effectiveness.

  5. Focus on Big Movements:Ā  When in doubt focus on moving BIG not fast! BIGGER IS BETTER! Larger movements help combat stiffness, slowness, walking issues, and balance problems.Ā 

  6. Take it Easy the first 24 Hours: For longer trips, this can be especially helpful. While the excitement of travel makes us want to explore everything, many of my clients find that this leaves them feeling off balance and makes it hard to get back on track. Iā€™m not suggesting you avoid exploring, but think of your travel more like a marathon rather than a sprint.Ā 
  7. Bring Mobility Aids:Ā Consider packing mobility devices like trekking poles. They are easy to carry and useful for navigating uneven terrain, especially on days when you might not feel your best.

  8. Request Airport Assistance:Ā If traveling through an airport and this makes you feel uneasy, consider requesting assistance. Many airports offer transportation services to help you navigate more easily.

Implementing these tips can help you manage your travel stress and make your journeys more enjoyable. Safe travels and HAVE FUN!

Would you like more personalized assistance in applying this information or help with your exercise routine?


Moved by movement

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