Gary tells us about why he likes working with Dr. Katie to help him fight back against Parkinson’s, including presence, planning, and convenience..

Christine tells us why she LOVES to exercise and what she has gotten out of working with Dr. Katie.


“What I like best about my sessions with Katie is the personal attention paid to my physical as well as mental status.  As a Parkinson's patient, I am subject to unpredictable periods of dyskinesia (and dystonia) which interfere with my ability to exercise as I would like.  Katie understands this, and adjusts the program for out sessions accordingly, and if necessary, on the fly.  This reduces my stress, which in turn tends to ameliorate my symptoms.  This is certainly not anything like my experience in gyms programs.  At the end of our sessions, I have a feeling of accomplishment, even though I would like to be able to do more.  A good part of that is probably due to Katie's encouragement and positive attitude during our sessions.”

Norman (Virtual client)


“At the end of my sessions with Katie, I am typically feeling a bit tired but overwhelming rejuvenated and ready to hit the rest of my day.  I’ve seen such a vast improvement in my everyday movement, particularly in my getting out of bed in the morning.  I feel stronger in my daily routines and I am a happier person after working out with Katie! I would not hesitate in recommending Katie as she is so very good & devoted to her profession with her vast body of knowledge in this field while also being warm & caring, organized and thorough.”

Anne (In-person client)


“The sessions are well planned to ensure aerobic, strength and endurance conditioning as well as balance and posture. At the end of each session I feel limber, pain free and somewhat fatigued due to the the intensity.

My physicians have informed me that my PD has not progressed in 6 year and my CLL is still at Stage 2, after many years.  I contribute this to a healthy diet and keeping in good physical condition so my body can effectively combat these diseases as well as aging. I would definitely recommend Katie.”

Lenny (Virtual client)


" I have better endurance, strength and posture because of my work with Dr. Katie. I can now keep up walking with my with my friends. I recommend Katie’s services to anyone with Parkinson’s.

Chris (In-person client)


“I was already working with Katie 2x per week plus homework. But the more intensive 2 weeks program has really improved my posture awareness and walking, plus the added bonus of the mood boost.”

Christine (Movement Bootcamp participant)

“Tom has been walking outside every day without his sticks or cane.  And working in the gym. His progress is amazing.  Thank you for all your time, energy and encouragement.”

Karen (Care partner)

“I was feeling like my Parkinson’s was progressing quickly due to not exercising. I was diagnosed eight years ago and haven’t exercised regularly since 2018. After boot camp I think my balance issues are getting better and attitude is much improved.”

Judy (Movement Bootcamp Participant)


" I got my life back! She transformed the way I look at myself. I have Parkinson’s, but I am so much more than my disease.”

Bill (In-person client)

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Moved by movement

Contact information:

(775) 386-2402

[email protected]

Hours: see schedule here